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- Fabio Ruggiero is Associate Professor of Control and Robotics in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at the University of Naples Federico II. Fabio Ruggiero is the reference of the Dynamic Manipulation and Legged Robotics (DynLeg) research topic within the PRISMA Lab (www.prisma.unina.it), coordinated by Prof. Bruno Siciliano. Fabio Ruggiero's research interests include model-based control design of robotic systems. In particular, his studies are specialized on control strategies for dexterous, dual-hand, and nonprehensile robotic manipulation, unmanned aerial vehicles (also equipped with small-scale robot arms for aerial manipulation, transportation, and cooperation with other vehicles), legged robots, and human-robot force interaction. He has co-authored/co-edited 2 books, 28 international journal papers, and more than 70 conference papers/book chapters. He has delivered more than 15 invited lectures and seminars at institutions worldwide and has received several awards, including the I-RAS Chapter ``Fabrizio Flacco'' Young Author Best Paper Award 2015. He is a Senior member of IEEE and IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. From 2023 he is the Chair of the IEEE Italy RAS Chapter. He has been Associate Editor for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters and is currently Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Robotics. He has been a Program Committee member of several conferences and workshops, and he was a co-organizer and co-chair of the 10th International Workshop on Human Friendly Robotics. Fabio Ruggiero has been involved in more than 10 European/Italian research projects. In particular, he has been project/local investigator in three Italian projects, Workpackage Leader within the H2020 HARMONY European project, and an Early Stage Researcher supervisor within the MSC ITN AERO-TRAIN European project. He raised more than 1.2M EUR as local share for the European/Italian projects.
- From December 2022, Fabio Ruggiero is an Associate Professor for the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of University of Naples Federico II.
- December 2019 - December 2022, Assistant Professor (tenure track) for the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of University of Naples Federico II.
- December 2016 - December 2019, Assistant Professor (fixed term) for the Department of Electrical Engineering and In- formation Technology of University of Naples Federico II.
- January 2016 - December 2016, Researcher for Create Consortium. Project: RoDyMan.
- January 2015 - December 2015. Project Collaborator for Create Consortium, in scientific and technical supporto for the SHERPA project.
- November 2014 - December 2014. Project Collaborator for Create Consortium, in scientific and technical supporto for the FP7 Ideas ERC RoDyMan project.
- November 2012 - October 2014. Postdoc position at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, with a fellowship in "Modeling and control (in free space and in contact with the environment) of flying robots equipped with a robotic arm". Project: ARCAS.
- December 2010 - October 2012. Postdoc position at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, with a fellowship in "Sensor data acquisition and fusion for the visual servoing of Micro Aerial Vehicles". Project: AiRobots.
- September 2009 - March 2010. Research scholar position at Department of Mechanical Engineering, Northwestern University, Illinois, under the supervision of Prof. K.M. Lynch.
- 3 June 2022 - 3 June 2032. Italian Scientific Qualification as Full Professor (prima fascia, art. 16, comma 1, Legge 240/10) for the 09/G1 academic recruitment field in "Systems and Control Engineering".
- 15 October 2018 - 15 October 2024. Italian Scientific Qualification as Associate Professor (seconda fascia, art. 16, comma 1, Legge 240/10) for the 09/G1 academic recruitment field in “Systems and Control Engineering”.
Fabio Ruggiero was born in Naples on December 16, 1983.
He attended the high school at "Liceo" specializing in scientific studies "N. Copernico" in Naples. He graduated with full marks.
He received the Laurea degree (B.Sc.) in Automation Engineering with honors on October 25, 2005 at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
The B.Sc. thesis concerned "Robot programming in manufacturing field", in Italian, advisor Prof. B. Siciliano.
He received the Laurea Specialistica degree (M.Sc.) in Automation Engineering with honors on October 30, 2007 at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
The M.Sc. thesis concerned "Visual servoing based on Lie algebra", in Italian, advisor Prof. V. Lippiello.Fabio Ruggiero ranked first at the competition for the Doctorate School in Computer and Automation Engineering on 7 November, 2007 at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
Hence, from November 2007 to October 2010 he was a Ph.D. Student under the supervision of Prof. V. Lippiello.
He got the Research Doctorate degree in December 2010 with a dissertation entitled "Grasp and manipulation of objects with a multi-fingered hand in unstructured environments".
- November 2019 - February 2020. Consultant for the experimental verification of advanced materials for ATEX drone according to he attached specification 654A3769-SPE-SYSD-006.0, commissioned by ENIProgetti SpA to the research consortium INSTM (OdL nr. 4310291968).
- June 2018 - July 2018. Consultant for the realization of a feasibility study for innovative technical solutions about the aerial robotic domain, within the project IDEAS (ENI #654A3769-SPE- SYSD-001), commissioned by ENIProgetti SpA to the research consortium INSTM (ref. INSTM ID/DB 1460).
- From 2008 to 2018, he was a member of IEEE and IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. From 2019 he his a Senior member of IEEE and IEEE Robotics and Automation Society. From 2023 he is the Chair of the IEEE Italy RAS Chapter.
Fabio Ruggiero was an organizer co-chair of the 10th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics, organized on November 6-7, 2017, in Naples, Italy.
Since July 2021, Fabio Ruggiero is Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Robotics.
From February 2018 to July 2021, Fabio Ruggiero was Associate Editor for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.
Fabio Ruggiero has been Guest Editor for the following special issues
- Guest Editor for the special issue entitled “Aerial manipulation” on the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, proposed by V. Lippiello, F. RUGGIERO and A. Ollero. The special issue will appear on March 2018.
Fabio Ruggiero has served the following conferences as Associated editor or member of the Program committee.
- 2015-2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation
- 14th International Workshop on Human-Friendly Robotics
- Automatica.it 2021
- 1st International Workshop on Internet of Au- tonomous Unmanned Vehicles
- 2014 International Conference on Computer Vision, Theory and Application
Fabio Ruggiero has served as chair for many international conferences.
He is also a reviewer for many international robotics and control conferences and journals.
- The paper "A shared-control architecture for non-prehensile object transportation", authored by M. Selvaggio, J. Cacace, C. Pacchierotti, F. RUGGIERO and P. Robuffo Giordano, has received the nomination for the "Fabrizio Flacco" Young Author Best Paper Award 2021, issued by the I-RAS Chapter. Young author: Mario Selvaggio..
- The paper "Wheel slip avoidance through a nonlinear model predictive control for object pushing with a mobile robot", authored by F. Bertoncelli, F. RUGGIERO, L. Sabattini, has received the nomination for the Young Author Best Paper Award at the 10th IFAC Symposium on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, held in Gdansk, Poland, July 2019. Student: Filippo Bertoncelli.
- Fabio Ruggiero was among the recipients of the FFABR 2017, fund for the ordinary financing of Italian state universities.
- The paper "Design, implementation and experiments of a robust passivity-based controller for a rolling-balancing system", authored by M. Crespo, A. Donaire, F. RUGGIERO, V. Lippiello and B. Siciliano, has received the Best Paper Award at the 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, held in Lisbon, July 2016.
- On September, 9th 2015 at Automatica.it 2015 in Bari, Italy, Fabio Ruggiero has received the 2015 I-RAS Young Author Best Paper Award for the paper entitled "Visual grasp planning for unknown objects using a multifingered robotic hand", co-authored with Vincenzo Lippiello, Luigi Villani and Bruno Siciliano, published in the IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, in June 2013.
- The paper "An optimal trajectory planner for a robotic batting task: The table tennis example", authored by D. Serra, A. Satici, F. RUGGIERO, V. Lippiello and B. Siciliano, has received the nomination for the Best Student Paper Award at the 13th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, held in Lisbon, July 2016. Student: Diana Serra.
Fabio Ruggiero has delivered the following lectures and seminars.
- July, 17th 2023. "Aerial robotics (Lesson 2)", delivered within the international course "Sustainable Ocean Intelligent Autonomous Monitoring", Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 2 hours.
- July, 7th 2023. "Aerial robotics (Lesson 1)", delivered within the international course "Sustainable Ocean Intelligent Autonomous Monitoring", Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 2 hours.
- July, 5th 2023. "Underwater robotics (Lesson 2)", delivered within the international course "Sustainable Ocean Intelligent Autonomous Monitoring", Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 2 hours.
- July, 3rd 2023. "Underwater robotics (Lesson 1)", delivered within the international course "Sustainable Ocean Intelligent Autonomous Monitoring", Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 2 hours.
- October, 27th 2022. "Robotic non-prehensile dynamic manipulation. Focus on RoDyMan and HARMONY European projects", delivered within the "Innovation Village", Città della Scienza, Naples, Italy. 0.5 hours.
- September, 22nd 2022. "Robotics. Design of control systems", delivered within the "Master in Entrepreneurship Innovation Management 2021-2022", Università degli Studi di Napoli Parthenope, Naples, Italy. 8 hours.
- September, 20th 2022. "Mobile Robotics and Collaborative Robotics in Manufacturing", delivered within the "Aerotech Academy", Leonardo Labs, Naples, Italy. 7 hours.
- February, 3rd-4th 2022. "Underactuated systems: Applications in robotics", delivered within the "Winter school of Robotics", Sochi, Russia. 4 hours.
- September, 23rd 2021. "Mobile Robotics and Collaborative Robotics in Manufacturing", delivered within the "Aerotech Academy", Leonardo Labs, Naples, Italy. 7 hours.
- July, 11st 2020. "Nonprehensile robotic manipulation", delivered within the international workshop "Robotic manipulation: mechatronic tools, modeling, identification and control", held during the 1st Virtual IFAC World Congress, Germany. 0.5 hours.
- January, 23rd 2019. "Nonprehensile robotic manipulation", delivered at Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, 1 hour.
- May, 31st 2014. "External generalized forces estimation in aerial manipulation", delivered within the international workshop "Aerial robots physically interacting with the environment", held during the 2014 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Hong Kong. 0.5 hours.
- July, 4th 2013. "Kalman filter: Theory and applications in robotics" (in Italian), delivered at Dipartimento di Ingengeria Elettrica e Tecnologie dell’Informazione, Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, in range of the training course Corso di alta formazione per specialisti in sistemi e tecnologie di Driver Monitoring, 3 hours.
- May, 10th 2012. "On the catching of thrown balls and the use of redundancy in fine and aerial manipulation tasks", delivered at the Laboratory for Intelligent Mechanical Systems, Northwestern University. 1 hour.
- November, 3rd 2010. "Fast visual grasp of unknown objects with a multi-fingered hand", delivered at School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, University of Manchester. 1 hour.
© 2025 by Fabio Ruggiero. All rights reserved.