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  • Refereed
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    • F. Ficuciello, V. Lippiello, F. RUGGIERO, B. Siciliano, L. VIllani, "Grasping and control of multifingered hands", International Expert Days organized by Schunk, Hausen, 2012.
    • V. Lippiello, F. RUGGIERO, B. Siciliano, L. Villani, "Fast visual grasp of unknown objects with a multi-fingered hand", International Expert Days organized by Schunk, Hausen, 2010.
    • V. Lippiello, F. RUGGIERO, L. Villani, "Motion coordination of multi-arm and multi-fingered robotic systems", Control Themes in Hyperflexible Robotic Workcells, F.Basile and P.Chiacchio (Eds.), 2010.
    • F. Ficuciello, V. Lippiello, F. RUGGIERO, B. Siciliano, L. Villani, "Grasping unknown objects with robotics hands using vision and touch", Italian National Meeting SIDRA, Siracusa, 2009.
    • V. Lippiello, F. RUGGIERO, L. Villani, "A framework for task description and inverse kinematics of cooperative robot manipulators", Italian National Meeting SIDRA, Vicenza, 2008.